That’s a wrap on YQ24!

2,500 lives impacted

1600 at Sr.High

600 at Jr.High

300 Volunteers & guests

2 unforgettable weekends.

Thank you to all our volunteers, partners, sponsors, and camp friends who helped make YQ24 happen.

“He really opened my eyes to give Him my next yes, He’s teaching me to be a disciple for Him and live that out in my everyday walk in the light with Him. He taught me that I cannot just acknowledge Him from time to time but that I need to fully embrace His authority and if I believe it that I can’t just sit on the edge of the fence but fully accept Him and His word and let others see Him through my actions. I truly want to be renewed in and through Him.”

-retreater quote

Thanks for joining us for YQ24, see you at YQ25!